Alyssa Lau. Ordinary People. The next it-girl from the sleepy town of Edmonton, Canada.
Instead of discovering her through the masses, I discovered her while reading an article from the UO blog, which I hardly ever read but should start doing so more often because they discuss a lot of up-and-coming bloggers, musicians, etc. who would not be known otherwise. I started reading the article and fell in love in that weird blogger-crush way because Lau is probably the coolest fashion-girl I've read about in a while. She somehow was able to become relevant in the middle-of-nowhere Edmonton (I promise I'm not making fun of Canada, my dad was born and raised there) and even created her own shop called New Classics Studios, which is all about the ethical production of its clothing. She's only 23 years old, has a successful blog, and somehow created her own shop that promotes fair trade and all that social/environmental awareness that we don't see in other shops. I've only touched the surface, but based on these general facts, Alyssa Lau is a name the fashion industry should start to get familiar with.
For starters, she has one of the coolest styles, like, ever. She's able to make the most out of the practically year-long-winter that she has to deal with in Edmonton by using her eccentric fashion sense to keep her warm while looking the lowest temperature of cool. She was even able to make sweats and converse look fashionable, which is definitely not included on my list of talents. She brings this mix of femininity and androgyny to her looks by pairing items like baseball caps or cool-girl sneakers with dresses and that chic bob of hers. Plus, she has a post dedicated to turtlenecks, so of course I have to love her. But it's not just the style that makes me want to be her, it's how she presents herself. Instead of being that robot-fashion-blogger (kinda like how I used to be) that spews out trends, she's relatable. She's unique. She's.... refreshing (I'm pretty sure I described Leandra Medine in my other post this way. Oops.). She's able to make herself like-able in about a paragraph or less, which I'm obviously unable to do (another talent of mine: the inability to stop typing). Instead of filling her posts with thousands of words, she fills them with dozens of quality photos that are arranged in a way that creates this unique aesthetic for herself. I didn't know it was even possible to make posts more interesting just based on the composition of photos, but she proves it to be. Maybe it's because she has her own personal photographer/boyfriend (goals, am I right??), but her strategies definitely seem to be working, at least for me.
And finally, in the least offensive way, she makes herself ordinary, just like her blog-title states. Ordinary is meant in a positive way in this situation, because instead of being this hot-shot fashion blogger, she admits that she's just like the rest of us (but maybe a little cooler). Instead of being "tough" and wearing bare legs in the cold, she admits that she despises it, even though she lives in what seems like the arctic tundra. She even thinks that what she does [fashion-blogging] is really unusual, because even though it's getting more popular, it's still strange to say in your your resumé "career: fashion blogger". Instead of making her posts more formal than they should be, she brings this friendly, relatable tone to her writing that shows how she's always being herself. And I guess that's reassuring, because it proves how blogging is what she loves to do, not what she does to make a living. I guess we're pretty similar in that sense.
Also, I'm a year late to sign up with Bloglovin', but I finally got an account. Follow me for updates on all my posts (or click on the new button on my sidebar, right below the follow on google+ button)!!
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