
Winter Inspo: SKAM

I introduce my FIRST post of 2017 (finally!!!) with a statement that is obvious yet extremely unwanted.

It's cold. VERY cold. I'm back at home in Georgia for winter break, a place that usually doesn't dip below 30, and it snowed a few days ago! Looking outside at my white backyard, wearing a billion layers and a hat, of all things, I realized that winter truly is the hardest month to dress for. In the past, I've denied this fact -- I assumed that dressing for cold temps created the most noteworthy outfits because anyone could layer whatever the hell they wanted to and call it fashion. This was my oblivious, Georgia-bound self, who only had to walk a few minutes outside when temps dropped to the teens. In one week I'll be back in D.C., having to walk everywhere in even colder temperatures, and I soon made the discovery that just a sweater over a turtleneck won't cut it. I could just give up on fashion altogether and wear my parka with snow boots everyday, but you all know I love fashion challenge. I actually have not yet taken up this challenge, but I know where to start...

Usually I draw inspiration from the runway, my favorite bloggers, and those famous street style shots floating around Tumblr, but now I'm finding inspiration from... a Norwegian teen drama by the name of SKAM, a show I have been obsessing over for the past week and that all of Norway has been obsessing over for the past few years. Not only is it one of the best high school-based shows I have seen in a while (even better than Skins!!), it shows off some impeccable fashion that glorifies the seemingly-dreadful act of getting dressed in the winter. I haven't been this inspired from a show since Twin Peaks. Along with its too-real dialogue and in-depth exploration of teen issues, these Norwegian teens really know how to dress. In a place where temps rarely get above freezing in the winter, the characters embrace this cold and make winter seem enjoyable with their styles (they spend a strangely large amount of time outside...). They even make me excited for this season! Here are a few tips they follow that will make any winter more bearable:

You can never own too many coats. When it's so cold outside that you wouldn't even dare to take off your coat just to show off the actually cute outfit under it for more than ten seconds, it's important to invest in a coat you actually like. Or two of them. Or three. Try different fabrics, like teddy, bouclĂ©, or wool; try different colors, like neutrals, pastels, or even metallic silver. Oversized is always better; even a puffer coat will make winter more exciting (look at Stella McCartney!!).

Hats should now become our friends. I'm not sure why I spent my entire life hating the accessory that is crucial in keeping warm; maybe it's because I've always thought that my hair was my best feature and winter hats only hide this. Eva, the character who sports a different hat in almost every episode, forgets this stigma and believes they actually show off her hair. Not everyone has long, golden tresses like Eva (especially me with my short blonde locks), but she makes it look like almost anyone can pull them off. Looking warm (and 10x cuter) is a fashion statement in itself.

Look to Noora for inspiration that goes under your winter accessories. Most watchers lean towards Noora for all fashion tips, and I believe it's the simplicity in what she wears that seems so refreshing at a time where maximalism is ruling the runway. With all the heavy coats and scarves that the characters wear, Noora keeps it minimalistic with a uniform that usually consists of belted high waisted pants and a simple top. This androgynous take makes winter so much more appealing, and it makes me even a bigger fan of pants, which seem to be the only thing that can actually keep our legs warm. And when it's so cold that your face turns into a ghostly shade of white, just add a red lip.

Make knits a part of your daily routine. Sweater weather is definitely heightened in this show, where a knit material in practically any form can both add a unique twist to their personal styles and also literally save them from the cold. Scarves! Cropped sweaters! Turtlenecks! Even hoodies!! I think I found my new favorite fabric.

More is more. I just said earlier that Noora's minimalism is refreshing, but maximalism is such a great way to treat your winter! It just makes sense: we physically need more layers to keep warm, so why not make it fashionable while we're at it?

Five is greater than one. Dress warmly with all your friends and you'll immediately become warmer. This isn't proven by science, but for some reason they look so much better in a group. Maybe it's because they can huddle together for warmth?

It's definitely only October in this scene, but c'mon, look how cool they look!!!

Watch Skam with English subtitles here.

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