
Slip Out of Summer

Here's an update on my life:

I moved this week!! To a new living space, a new city, a new state, even. Actually, I take that last statement back -- D.C. isn't a state so I'm going to be officially stateless.

With this strange transition, from a state to a district, from a home to a dorm, from home cooked meals to microwaveable mac & cheese, comes a lot of GOOD. And by this term I mean way too much freedom and an actual routine that was lacking during the summer. But this routine is different than what I'm used to! This time, I'm forced to make my own routine, and this sort of ties back into the whole freedom thing, and we come full circle. College is strange (strange is good.) How does this tie into fashion? It took me a while to figure this out, too.

I could say that this new ~transition~ can also be a transition in fashion and my personal style which forces me to go outside my little fashion box. But in reality I wanted to be punny, as always, and use the term slip in more than one way. Slip -- a dress-length undergarment or slip -- to escape with ease. What a perfect time to use these definitions!

Slip by Urban Outfitters. Shirt by Loo Gray. Shoes by Urban Outfitters.

I felt the most fitting way to slip out of Georgia was to wear a slip. Pretty obvious, right? Such a simple piece to symbolize such a weirdly simple move (I'm only freaking out a little bit, that's all). I layered it over a shirt that is also art to stick to my personal style and I continued this familiarity by tying a bandana around my wrist. Once again, this seems pretty symbolic of everything in my life -- a slip to represent the changes (this is my first time actually wearing an undergarment as actual clothing!!), but the rest to represent the things that will always stay the same -- the fact that I'm actually continuing this blog through college, I get to go to school with my twin, etc. Isn't it awesome when fashion can translate to real life?

And this transition has also led me to want to start a fashion revolution. Try the impossible. Blog more. Turn a hobby into a career. And here's the best part: expect a lot more from me this next semester, this next year, these next four years. 

It's a bit funny how a barely-there piece with a few lace embellishments can inspire so much.

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